TGP 22 The ProGen Study Group with Angela McGhie
Featured Guest
Angela Packer McGhie – A Discussion of the ProGen Study Group
This week instead of speaking with an individual genealogy professional we are focusing on the ProGen Study Group in order to provide our listeners with more information about the program.
Here is a brief description of the program taken from the ProGen website. For further information have a listen to the interview and then visit the ProGen website.
“The ProGen Study Groups are organized to encourage professional and aspiring genealogists to put into practice the principles found in Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers and Librarians, edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills. This program employs an innovative method of collaborative learning focused on developing genealogical research skills and business practices.
Each month group members study one or two chapters of Professional Genealogy and complete a practical assignment relating to the material. They meet online to discuss the topic in small group discussions. Members review each other’s assignments and offer constructive feedback. The study program covers all of the chapters in the book, including research procedures and business practices. This program requires a huge time commitment, but provides a unique opportunity for constructive feedback from colleagues.
Each ProGen study group has a BCG Certified Genealogist mentoring the group. These volunteer mentors participate in the monthly discussions to answer questions and offer guidance.”
Contact Links
The ProGen Study Group website
The Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIPitt)
The Boston University Genealogy Certificate program
The National Genealogical Society (NGS) Home Study Course in American Genealogy
This week we focus on education and follow the ProgGen theme we’ve already started. In this exercise we will visit the readiness questionnaire on the Waiting List page of the ProGen website.
Fill out the questionnaire to get a sense of where you are in your educational journey.
**** IMPORTANT – DO NOT press the Submit Application button unless you truly want to be added to the ProGen wait list.
Are you ready for ProGen? Do you need to participate in some other educational opportunities first? This questionnaire will give you a sense of where you are now on your journey. If you’re not quite ready for ProGen then consider the NGS Home Study Course or the BU Certificate program (links above). Angela also suggested reading Val Greenwood’s The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy.
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