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TGP 57: Marcel Elias – Central Europe Genealogy

Featured Guest

Marcel Elias of Avis Genealogy

Marcel Elias

Marcel Elias, the owner of Avis Genealogy, was born in Slovakia and studied at universities in Czech Republic and Germany. He majored in Medieval History and has lived in Germany since 2008. He works as an on-site genealogist for Bavaria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia since 2012. He performs genealogical research for those looking for their Central European ancestors as well as heir research. He has also catalogued WWII graves in Nuremberg and answers request regarding those graves from descendants.

Contact Links

Facebook Page – Avis Genealogy

Links Mentioned

Genealogy Bavaria Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/412807372178231/

Thing You were Most Afraid of

If I will be good enough.”

Best Advice You Received from Someone Else

To continue and to learn.

Recommended Book

The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy by Bettinger

Professional Genealogy edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills

Why the West Rules for Now by Ian Morris

Sapience: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari


No matter what you are doing, do it with your heart. You will learn every day. Whether you fail or you succeed, you will learn.”

Action Item

Here’s a simple action item for you today. Find a group on Facebook that focuses on one of your areas of expertise. Join the group and be sure to read the group rules before participating. I would even go so far as to check who the group admin is – and determine whether they are a fellow professional. Regardless respect the rules and remember it’s their group not yours. Then spend some time over the coming weeks participating in the group, giving freely of your knowledge without expecting anything in return and without dropping the name of your company. Focus on sharing your expertise and building your recognition and reputation.


The Genealogy Professional podcast is now available on Spotify. Search for either Marian Pierre-Louis or genealogy to find it. Don’t forget to follow!

If you’re a YouTube you can also find all the episodes of the podcast on YouTube. Don’t expect any video. It’s just an audio-only file with a picture but I’ve put it over there because some people are more comfortable with that platform.

Join the TGP Action Group on Facebook! You can find it at https://www.facebook.com/groups/TGPActionGroup/

If you’re not on Facebook, follow the Genealogy Professional on LinkedIn. You can get new episode notices there. Go to Linkedin and search for The Genealogy Professional and hit the follow button.

Direct link to this post: https://www.thegenealogyprofessional.com/marcel-elias

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