TGP 13 Leslie Brinkley Lawson – Forensic Genealogist
Featured Guest
Leslie Brinkley Lawson

Leslie Brinkley Lawson, full-time professional genealogist, specializes in forensic genealogy (missing & unknown heirs, probate research), providing due diligence and kinship determinations. Clients include attorneys, executors, guardians, banks, probate firms, private clients. She is a regional and national speaker.
As a forensic genealogist Leslie Lawson has completed genealogy research for attorneys across the United States. She has a range of experience from proving family lines to reuniting family members as well as proving parentage for those unable to speak due to injury or disability [dementia, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia].
Leslie currently serves as the President of the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) and President of the Oregon Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists. Visit her website:
Contact Links
Leslie’s website – Lawson Research Services
Facebook – Lawson Research Services
Leslie on Twitter – @llawson3967
One Action Genealogists Can Take Right Now
- “Join APG and fully investigate that website.”
- “Set goals for the month, the quarter and the year and have a close friend who is going to keep you accountable to those goals.“
Recommended Book
Professional Genealogy edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills
Mastering Genealogical Proof by Dr. Thomas W. Jones
The Researcher’s Guide to American Genealogy by Val D. Greenwood
Productivity Tool
Drop Box – Tool for sharing large files
Mozy – Backup service for computer files
Snag It (by TechSmith) – screen capture software
Sunrise – Calendar App
“Create templates for everything. Create a template for your report form, for your citations using Evidence Explained. Make yourself a template of every citation you use on a regular basis.”
Genealogy Idol Competition video where Michael Hait describes creating macros for citations. (free to watch)
Action Item
Leslie talked about networking and finding cients. Are you doing everything you can to find new clients? Here’s a check list of active and passive ways to make yourself visible to potential clients.
ACTION: Go through the list and rate how you are doing in each area. Commit to making improvements in your weaker areas.
- Do you have a full and complete profile on a Professional Organization Website? (such as APG, BCG, ICAPGEN)Do you have a website?
- Do you have a social media presence? (Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+)
- Do you have a business card (try VistaPrint for inexpensive business cards
- Do you respond to discussions on a professional association list?
- Do you respond to queries on general genealogy lists? (such as surname or geographic specific lists)
- Do you participate in groups on LinkedIn where you’re target clients are active?
- Have you joined societies related to your niche and volunteered so that you get to know other members?
- Have you advertised online or in print magazines where your target clients are known to spend their time?
- Do you write a blog related to your expertise?
- Do you network?
What other ideas can you come up with that I’ve left off the list?
Direct Link to this post:
Speaking of heir searches than don’t produce results for the heirs, I had a case last year from New York. A woman had no kids or nieces and nephews, so they were looking for first cousins.
There were two first cousins here in Israel, brothers, both dead. One had kids.
After much discussion with the kids to nail down information, it turned out that NY law recognizes first cousins as heirs, but not the children of first cousins. They were really angry that I had wasted their time.
What a great interview! Having associated with Leslie for over ten years I have grown to appreicate her expertise and enthusiasm. I totally concur with her comments about self doubt and overcoming that as you focus on your skills. Her comments on having your work be your passion are so right. We all need to find our niche and comfort zone for working and she has truly found hers.