TGP 59: Jessica Taylor – Business Owner
Featured Guest
Jessica Taylor
Jessica Taylor has served as President of Legacy Tree Genealogists since 2004 and has helped thousands of clients across the globe discover more about their heritage through professional genealogy research. With a bachelor’s degree in Family History – Genealogy, Spanish language proficiency, years of residence in China and Brazil, and a love of history and mystery, Jessica brings an upbeat global view to the genealogy business industry.
Contact Links
Website – Legacy Tree Genealogists
Facebook Page – Legacy Tree Genealogists
Facebook – Genealogy Business Alliance Discussion Group
LinkedIn – Jessica M. Taylor
Mentioned in the Podcast
SCORE (small business help) –
SBA (Small Business Administration) –
SBDC (Small Business Development Center) –
10,000 Small Businesses Goldman Sachs –
Thing You were Most Afraid of
“Afraid of running out of money. And afraid of being viewed as too young.”
Best Advice You Received from Someone Else
“Work on your business rather than in it.“
One Action Genealogists Can Take Right Now
“Start practicing genetic genealogy.”
Recommended Book
Managing by the Numbers by Chuck Kremer, John Case and Ron Rizzuto
“Don’t be afraid to get help. And when you hire help try to be clear about your expectations and then be generous with your appreciation for that help.”
If you’d like to contribute to supporting the podcast then I would ask that you recommend me as a virtual speaker to your local library, historical or genealogical society. Any money earned from that now goes directly to supporting my podcast. I’m still in the process of creating an updated list of available talks but here are five titles to choose from.
- Discovering Online Oral History and Audio Collections to enrich your research
- Use Your Genealogy Skills to discover the history of the people who lived in your house
- Verifying Information You Find Online
- 5 Steps to Becoming a Good Ancestor
- How to Capture and Preserve Oral History Right Now
More details are available on my speaker page.
The Genealogy Professional podcast is now available on Spotify. Search for either Marian Pierre-Louis or genealogy to find it. Don’t forget to follow!
If you’re a YouTube you can also find all the episodes of the podcast on YouTube. Don’t expect any video. It’s just an audio-only file with a picture but I’ve put it over there because some people are more comfortable with that platform.
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