TGP 11 Israel Pickholtz – Jewish Genealogy in Israel
Featured Guest
Israel Pickholtz
Israel Pickholtz – A Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-born genealogist who has been living in
Israel since 1973. His personal research includes single-surname research in Galicia (formerly Austria, now Ukraine) as well as families from Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Hungary and later in the US, UK and Israel. From there he developed skills relating to more general Jewish genealogy, including Holocaust research.

Israel has participated in grave translation projects, searches for missing relatives and Holocaust-era insurance claims, as well as traditional genealogy research using European, American and Israeli sources.
His most frequent assignments from Israeli sources involve locating and photographing graves, locating living people, Mandatory Citizenship records, records for Galician residents in the 1920s and 1930s, inheritance matters and Holocaust research.
He has lectured at the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) conferences on Jewish Genealogy in the United States, as well as other subjects in Israel.
Israel has served on the Board of the Israel Genealogical Society, as Secretary of Gesher Galicia and as Town Leader for Jewish Records Indexing-Poland (JRI-Poland). He currently serves as Secretary of the Professional Jewish Genealogists Group.
Contact Links
Israel Pickholtz on Twitter – @allmy4parents
Israel’s blog –
Israel Pickholtz on the Association of Professional Genealogist’s website
One Action Genealogists Can Take Right Now
“Comment on other people’s blogs. Put your name out in any way you can that doesn’t make you look like a fool.“
Recommended Book
My 15 Grandmothers by Genie Milgrom
Productivity Tool
Drop Box – File Sharing
Gmail – Israel uses Gmail as a spam filter
“Write and write and write and get your name out there. If you can do a blog, do a blog.”
Action Item
Israel mentioned in the interview that he contacted me by leaving a comment on this blog. This is a great idea to get started interacting with the genealogical community, both before and after you become a professional.
ACTION: Your action item this week is to start interacting with the genealogical community by leaving comments on other people’s blogs. First, target a type of blog that is of interest to you. Perhaps that would be an ethnic blog like an Italian genealogy blog or location focused such as one on the state of Nebraska. Then go to, a blog directory site founded by Thomas MacEntee, to find blogs on your topic.
Next start to “follow” (read them regularly) those blogs. Notice how frequently they publish new posts. Lastly, provide thoughtful responses in the comments to what you have read in the blog post. You are now on your way to building relationships with others in the genealogical community!
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I just wanted to underscore the action item about following & commenting on blogs. Though I’m not a professional, the blogosphere has really opened up my world & introduced me to great learning opportunities (like webinars & RootsTech) and to many wonderful people of like minds. Once you learn about a few blogs, you’ll eventually learn about others, and so on & so on!
my grandmother was laura pickholtz , sic, ball..husband jacob, jack, ball.