TGP 14 Carol Baxter – Writing for a Wide Audience
Featured Guest
Carol Baxter

Pursuing thieves and murderers through the ages is just an average day for the history detective, Carol Baxter. Like Dr Who, she hunts ordinary individuals who unwittingly had such an extraordinary impact on their world that the consequences changed the course of history; then she brings their stories to life as ‘true-crime thrillers’. She is the internationally-acclaimed, award-winning author of An Irresistible Temptation, Breaking the Bank, Captain Thunderbolt and his Lady, and The Peculiar Case of the Electric Constable. She is also the author of Writing Interesting Family Histories, with more genealogy ‘how to’ books in the pipeline, a speaker at genealogy conferences and cruises, a Fellow of the Society of Australian Genealogists and an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New England.
Contact Links
Carol’s website –
Bushranger Thunderbolt website
One Action Genealogists Can Take Right Now
“Listen to podcasts!”
Recommended Book
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
Productivity Tool
Microsoft Word – a great software program for writers
“Broaden your market by monetizing your knowledge. Become a speaker and then you can turn talks into books and sell them from the back of the room. That increases your exposure and your income.”
Action Item
Carol and I talked an awful lot about writing. This is a good time to stop and assess where you are with your own writing. Do you like writing, does your writing skills need improvement, or are you terrified of writing and avoid it at all costs?
ACTION: Commit to writing every day for the next 7 days. Either choose an area that you need to work on or an area that you have no experience at all. Some types of writing you can choose from include writing client reports, writing an article for a magazine or writing blog posts. Remember you are doing this for yourself! You don’t have to show anyone the writing if you don’t want to. Commit to writing each day, one full item (article, blog post etc) each day for seven days.
At the end of the seven days you will have more practice, more experience and hopefully will feel more comfortable with writing. If we’re lucky you’ll decide that you want to continue writing past the seven days. Give it a try!
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