TGP 31 Alvie Davidson – Private Investigator
Featured Guest
Alvie Davidson, CG
Alvie L. Davidson retired from Naval Intelligence in the U.S. Naval Reserve after 22 years of service. Since then he has been a Florida state licensed private investigator, specializing in missing persons and genealogical applications of investigations. He is the past District Director of the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators and recognized by the Circuit Court of numerous Florida counties as an expert in the field of Probate Investigation.
Alvie is certified as a CG (Certified Genealogist) by the Board for Certification of Genealogists, Washington, DC.
He is an alumni of the National Institute on Genealogical Research, Washington, DC (1998); and the Institute of Genealogy & Historical Research, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama (1999 and 2000). He is the founder (1981) and President of the Imperial Polk Genealogical Society, Lakeland, Florida.
Currently on the teaching alumni of Samford University’s IGHR for classes
each year.
Alvie is author of “Florida Land – Records of the Tallahassee and
Newnansville Federal Land Office 1826-1892″ (Heritage Books,
Bowie, MD 1988) and has published articles in The Genealogical Helper.
He has lived most of his adult life in Central Florida. Additional information can
be found at
He joined the Lakeland Chapter SAR in March of 1998 and was elected to the
position of Registrar and has held that office since that time. He has served as
President of the Lakeland Chapter SAR . Awarded the Kendall medal for
the 3rd highest number of members inducted into a chapter in the United
Alvie has served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional
Genealogists (APG) for a 10 years as a director.
Contact Links
Other Links
Florida Department of Agriculture – Private Investor license
One Action Genealogists Can Take Right Now
“Find somewhere where you can get some confidence. Self confidence is a key to success “
Recommended Book
Professional Genealogy edited by Elizabeth Shown Mills
The Source edited by Loretto Szucs
Productivity Tool
Drop Box – Tool for sharing large files
“If you want to become a professional genealogist, set your sights high and go for it. Get a good education and go to as many conferences as you can afford. “
Action Item
Alvie talked about the importance of investing in your own business. That can take the form of buying equipment or it can be spending money on education and conferences. Either way you need to keep pushing yourself forward so that your business can succeed.
This week think about some areas where you could re-invest in your own business. Is there a task that you do that could be done more quickly if you have the right equipment?. Would having a smart phone or tablet help you be more productive? Are you investing in your own education? Make a list of 5 items where you could or should be investing in your business. Then think about a plan to figure how to you are going to make it happen.
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